Sadr Majlis

Sadr Majlis (President) is the head of organization and elected for a period of two years. The organizations National Amila (Executive) is appointed by Sadr Majlis after formal approval of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih on a yearly basis. The Executive can consists of Naib Sadr Awwal (Senior Vice President), Naib Sadran (Vice Presidents), Muavin Sadran (Special assistants to Sadr), Qaideen (Heads of Departments), Zaeem-e-Ala and Auditor.​


110. The Sadr shall supervise the affairs of Majlis Ansarullah UK. 

111. The Sadr shall be responsible to carry out successfully the programme of Majlis Ansarullah.

112. The Sadr shall preside over the meetings of Majlis Amila Ansarullah UK. The Nā’ib Sadr Awwal shall perform this duty in his absence.

113. The Sadr is authorised to temporarily appoint someone to officiate in his place but he will have to intimate Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and the National Amir immediately.

114. The Sadr shall approve the appointment of all office bearers, whether through election or nomination, of subordinate Majalis. In case election or nomination is rejected the concerned Majlis or the concerned office bearer shall hold fresh elections or suggest fresh nominations and seek the approval of Sadr Majlis.

115. Sadr Majlis has the power to reject the appointment of an office bearer without giving any reason.  Any member so rejected shall not be re-elected or re-nominated for a period of two years.

116. In special circumstances after getting permission from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, Sadr Majlis may suspend the rights of election or nomination of a Majlis or an office bearer for a specific period and nominate the office bearers himself.  Similarly in special circumstance he may recommend to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih the dissolution of a Majlis.  

117. The explanation and the interpretation of the rules and the regulations of Majlis Ansarullah and the Dastur Asasi shall rest with the Sadr Majlis and his decision in this respect shall be final and binding. 

118. The accounts of the Majlis shall be operated by the Sadr or a Nā’ib Sadr Awwal jointly with Qa’id Maal. 

119. Sadr Majlis may prescribe the reformative measures concerning a member or an office bearer of a Majlis.  It shall be obligatory for the member or members of the concerned Majlis to carry out these measures. 

120. Sadr Majlis has the power to reject the majority decision of a Majlis on any matter.  In case of Majlis Amila UK (The National Body) he shall report the matter to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih for the final approval. 

121. In case a subordinate Majlis asks Sadr Majlis for permission to make specific collections from members on a special occasion, the Sadr Majlis will request the National Amir for his opinion and then refer the matter to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih for the final approval. 

122. Sadr Majlis has the power to exempt members from full or part payment of subscriptions in case of their inability to pay, provided it is recommended by the concerned office-bearer.  

123. No formal appeal can be lodged against the decisions of Sadr Majlis but the matter may be reported to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. 

124. Sadr Majlis shall send the report of his activities to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih every month. 

125. Sadr Majlis has the power to appoint some-one to officiate for any subordinate office-bearer. 


Majlis Ansarullah was formed by Ḥadhrat Khalifatul Masih II may Allah be pleased with in 1940. Its members comprise all male Ahmadi Muslims over the age of 40. Saf-e-Awwal comprise all members of Majlis Ansarulla aged 55 and above.


  • Majlis Ansarullah was formed by Ḥadhrat Khalifatul Masih II may Allah be pleased with in 1940. Its members comprise all male Ahmadi Muslims over the age of 40. Saf-e-Doem comprise all members of Majlis Ansarullah aged 40-55.
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