Na’ib Sadr Saf-e- Doem

The organisation is divided in to two sections, Saff-e-Awal (55 years of age and above) and Saff-e-Doem (40 years to 54 years). Sadr Majlis (President) and Naib Sadr Saff-e-Doem (Vice President) are elected for a period of two years.


41. Nā’ib Sadr Saf Dom shall be appointed by election.

42. The procedure, terms and conditions for the election of Nā’ib Sadr Saf Dom shall be the same as for Sadr Majlis. 

43. It is necessary that Nā’ib Sadr Saf Dom should not be above 47 years of age at the time of election.


Majlis Ansarullah was formed by Ḥadhrat Khalifatul Masih II may Allah be pleased with in 1940. Its members comprise all male Ahmadi Muslims over the age of 40. Saf-e-Awwal comprise all members of Majlis Ansarulla aged 55 and above.


  • Majlis Ansarullah was formed by Ḥadhrat Khalifatul Masih II may Allah be pleased with in 1940. Its members comprise all male Ahmadi Muslims over the age of 40. Saf-e-Doem comprise all members of Majlis Ansarullah aged 40-55.
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