The Department of Amoomi is in charge of the central office of the Majlis. It keeps record of all proceedings of the National Aamla as well as any communication with the center, other Jamaat offices and axillaries. It ensures that the instructions of Sadr Majlis are being carried out in a timely manner. All Majlis communication to the national, regional and local office holders is facilitated through this department.
134. Qa’id Amoomi shall be the in charge of the office at the headquarters.
135. It shall be the duty of Qa’id Amoomi to see that the instructions of Sadr Majlis are being carried out and remind all concerned when necessary.
136. Qa’id Amoomi shall maintain the record of proceedings of Majlis Amila UK and shall also inform the members of the concerned Majalis about it.
137. Qa’id ‘Amoomi shall sign all vouchers concerning expenditure of headquarters office.
138. It shall be the duty of Qa’id Amoomi to publicise the aims and objects of the Majlis and to organise the Majalis at as many places as possible.
- For all administration and responsible for sending and receiving reports and other correspondence from Majalis and Regions
- To maintain Ansar offices in the Regions and Majlis
- To arrange Amila meetings, take & distribute approved minutes & agenda
- To collect reports from all departments and prepare a monthly report for the Markaz
- To maintain records for all departmental reports
The department of Amoomi provides help in the following matters of the Majlis:
- Any approval or change of the local or regional body (Amila) should be submitted to Qa’id Amoomi for Sadr Majlis’s approval
- Any issue in the monthly reporting system should be communicated to Qa’id Amoomi so that he can find the appropriate resources to solve the issue
- Any question or concern in holding the local Amila or general body meetings should be communicated to Qa’id Amoomi for proper guidance
- Any issue of local or regional level should be communicated to Qa’id Amoomi for proper resolution.
- Any matter requiring the attention of Sadr Majlis or National Amila concerning local, regional, or national events should be communicated to Qa’id Amoomi.